Well well well, it seems everybody and their mother has a blog these days. So I got to thinking; why don't I have a blog? Well the practical answer is that I don't have anything to write about. Or at least nothing I want to share. But who am I kidding? I share everything with everybody. Some call it a character flaw, haha. However, I know that no one out there really wants to read about my life. So I have come to a conclusion. I will talk about something everyone likes and that will enrich everyone's life...MUSIC! It is pretty much my life, and it is all I ever talk about anyway. So forget the introduction, lets get onto what I will try to make a weekly installment.
Artist of the Week: Sufjan Stevens
Cd of Choice: Hark! Songs For Christmas Volume 1-3
Song of Choice: O Holy Night
Last night I was sitting on my computer doing a research paper (that was finished promptly at 3 a.m.) and in the midst of fighting my eyelids I decided it was time to start listening to some music. Now I know pretty much all the music on my laptop so I knew that I would start singing along and focusing on the music instead of my paper. But I needed something to help keep me awake. And then it came to me, like water hitting a want-to-be olympic diver doing a bellyflop, I had some Christmas music on my computer. It was a simple solution. I have no idea why it took me 20 minutes to come to it. For about a 2-3 month period all I hear is Christmas music. It is always in the background. You always hear it, but you never really pay attention to it. Allthough you find yourself singing the songs for hours after you hear it.
This Christmas music is a little different though. But that is why I like it. I HATE regular Christmas music, in fact alot of it makes me cringe. Don't get me wrong, I love the old time stuff from like the 40's, but this new crap from like Mariah Carey....ICK (sorry for the rant). This music is a compilation of 3 cds that an artist by the name of Sufjan Stevens recorded for his friends for Christmas. The music is absolutely splendid. He has quite an eclectic style. I haven't heard of alot of the songs that are on the three cds so I don't know if some are originals. But one thing is quite true of this artist, he can take a melody and make it absolutely warm and piercing at the same time. The way he arranges his music and the way he carries it out makes your heart feel warm and your ears feel blessed. It puts a smile on my face everytime I listen. That is why I have picked these 3 cds as my cds of choice for this week for this artist of the week. The best thing is that these cds can be downloaded for free...LEGALLY! Check it out:
Free CDs!
There is so much more to say about this artist, but I will have to explain him more in another post. For now this novel must conclude. No postscripts. No epilogues. Just the truth. This post is over!
Welcome to the blog world! I hope your blog can stay focused, unlike my own!
We welcome you with open arms to the world. Hopefully you stick with it longer than Chuck - will most def have you the Tanner's links.
Glad you have made your mark in cyber space.
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